Tools & Pipeline Development

To streamline development and empower designers, I can create custom editor tools, automate workflows, and build content pipelines tailored to your project's needs. Whether it's a level editor, animation importer, or data management system, I strive to create intuitive tools that boost productivity.

Specialized Game Development

Unity game development expertise with 3+ years of experience. Skilled in implementing scalable, maintainable systems and collaborating with designers and programmers.

Adaptable Problem Solver

Adept at tackling diverse challenges, from gameplay mechanics to editor tools. Experience spans 3D and 2D Unity projects. Quickly learns and applies new technologies.

Clean Code Practitioner

Applies SOLID principles, design patterns and clean coding practices. Proficient in C#, with Java and Python knowledge. Uses version control (Git, SVN).

Passionate Solo Developer

Creates small solo projects like games and gamedev tools in free time. Driven by the desire to learn and improve.

my works

A collection of some recently completed projects, covering a wide range of design disciplines

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Check last development posts and tutorials.

RssDiscordBot - Twitter RSS Feed to Discord Bot (Open Source)

An open-source Discord bot that fetches tweets from Twitter RSS feeds (using Nitter instances) and sends them to designated channels...

Meowfy- First release

The release of a simple music player made with Java and Android Studio

Food Battle- First release

Online multiplayer RTS(max 4 players) made with Unity